
Tricks for matrix derivation

Tricks for matrix derivation

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The trace of a square matrix is the sum of the elements on the main diagonal. That is, for an n by n square matrix A, the trace of A is

This might not seem too exciting at first. However, the trace operator has a neat quasi-commutative property: for matrices U and V, so long as the internal dimensions work out, it is true that
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The proof isn’t too hard so I’ll skip it. If we had a third matrix W (again assuming the internal dimensions work out), since matrix multiplication is associative, it is also true that
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It’s not truly commutative, since you can only do cyclic shifts of the arguments. So, e.g., tr(UVW) is not equal to tr(WVU) in general.
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What can you do with this? For one thing, note that the trace of a scalar a is itself: tr(a) = a. So if you have a matrix multiplication that results in a scalar, you can use trace to rearrange the arguments.

For instance, let U be a 1 by n row vector, and let V be an n by n matrix. If U’ is the transpose of U, then UVU’ is a scalar. This kind of expression comes up pretty often in jointly Gaussian distributions.

Now say U is a zero-mean vector with covariance matrix E[U’U], and I want to know E[UVU’].Using the trace trick, I can express this expectation in terms of E[U’U]: first, we can write

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and since expectation distributes over the trace sum, we have
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As a result, if you know the covariance E[U’U], there’s no need to recalculate any expectations.


用到该trace trick的有:
1)Michael I. Jordan: Jeffreys priors http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jordan/courses/260-spring10/lectures/lecture6.pdf
2)Kevin P. Murphy: Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Papers/bayesGauss.pdf
3)Leon Gu: Multivariate Gaussian Distribution http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~epxing/Class/10701-08s/recitation/gaussian.pdf
4)Tom SF Haines: Gaussian Conjugate Prior Cheat Sheet http://thaines.com/content/misc/gaussian_conjugate_prior_cheat_sheet.pdf

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formulation ytwt+1x˙t=ytwtx˙t+η||xt||2

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